miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2016


How these devices help us to communicate and give information?

  • Computer: it help us to transmit information to different parts of the world through the Internet, we can also talk to other people at a distance without moving from where we are and can store large amounts  of information. Is an easy tool to use and easy to obtain.
  • Cell phone: it is like a computer, but unlike, this allows making calls, and it is easier to carry because it is much smaller and lighter. Also we can have access to different social networks and believe it or not, it serves to find out too much information, they are not only to gossip. They also help with the different types of apps like camera and gps.
  • Tablets: they have Internet access, which makes finding and sharing information more easy. It is very useful for people who work that cannot carry computers and do not use their personal cell phone to work.
  • Smart watch: it is a device that is synchronized with cell phone, it allows that all the information cross from one device to another, it is too much comfort and convenient to receive emails and review them while we are busy.
  • News: it allows informing us daily current events that happen every minute around the world. There are several ways to look at them, like TV, the Internet and the newspaper. When we read on the Internet o when we see it on TV, we don’t spend paper and we can see at any time.
  • Radio: it's one of the oldest tools in the world, which inform us news and information about different topics, but unlike TV it doesn’t have a picture it’s only the sound.
  • TV: This helps us to inform us through programs or news channels, and although many of these functions can perform a cell phone or a computer, the TV is always going to be a massive tool of great use. Although much of the information given on television may not be completely honest or otherwise manipulated, it continues to influence us as a way of communication and is a big way of information.
  • GPS: It is a device that allows us to locate certain places or lead us to a destination, allowing people to more easily locate and gather them prevents incorrect paths.
  • Drone: his tool helps us to take pictures or videos for recording or live, in planes that are impossible for a common team, it's like a mini helicopter with a camera, this being highly integrated in news coverage and sporting events.
  • Robots: Allow to develop certain activities that humans do but also faster and more effectively, they are programmed to do one or more activities at once.
  • Here is our link about what innovation we want to do it to the product : https://www.emaze.com/@AFTTZCZF/by-valentina

miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2016

Data Validation

It is use to check the data on excel.

-Settings: Where you put the things (numbers, letters, ...) that are allowed.
-Input Message: Data he can put on the computer.
-Error Alert : It appears when the data is not valid.

viernes, 5 de febrero de 2016

martes, 2 de febrero de 2016

Binary to Decimal Conversion

Binary: It´s the representation of a number using 1 or 0.
Decimals: It´s the numeric system we use, 0,1,2,3...9,10,...

How to convert from decimals to Binary? : Divide the number by 2 to it´s minium expression

How to convert from binary to decimal?: Add the numbers that are represented by 1

Extra : Octal to decimal conversion

How to convert from decimals to octal?: Divide the number by 8 to it´s minium expression.

lunes, 1 de febrero de 2016

Sectors of industry

Industry is the sector of the economy concerned with the production of goods and services.

1. Primary: Also called extraction. It generally involves changing natural resources into primary products. Major businesses in this sector include agriculture, fishing, forestry and all mining and quarrying industries. Is a larger sector in developing countries, for instance, animal  husbandry is more common in Africa than in Japan.

Resultado de imagen para primary sectorResultado de imagen para primary sector

2.Secondary (Manufacturing) produces finished, usable products. Is often divided into light industry and heavy industry. Some products are:

-Aerospace manufacturing.
-Automobiles manufacturing.
-Brewing industry.
-Chemical industry.
-Clothing industry.
-Energy industries.
-Metal working.
-Steel production.
-Software engineering.
-Telecommunications industry.
-Tabacco industry.

3. The tertiary (also known as the service sector or the service industry): It inolves the provision of services to businesses as well as final consumers. Services may involve the transport, distribution and sale of goods from producer to a consumer, or may involve the provision of a service, such as in pest control or entertainment. Goods may be transformed in the process of providing a service, as happens in the restaurant industry or in equipment repair. However, the focus is on people interacting with people and serving the customer rather than transforming physical goods. Some services are:

-News media.
-Healthcare / hospitals.
-Waste Disposal.
-Estate agents.
-Business services.
-Local government services.
-Central government services.

-Law and order

4. The quaternary sector is the research industry: Industrial research looks for new ways to cut costs, find new markets, produce new ideas, new production methods and methods of manufacture.

The 4 sectors of Industry are interrelated. An individual industry will often use more than one sector in order to produce products.

Periodo 1 :" ¿Qué es la industria?"


-Comprende las relaciones mercantiles que se llevan a cabo desde la posición del cliente, dadas las condiciones de un mercado cambiante.
-Sabe que es comercio mayorista y minorista.
-Identifica que es el TLC.
-Características de la industria.
-Tipos de Industria.
-La localización Industrial.
-Los paisajes industriales.
-El comercio.
-Tipos de comercio.
-La organización mundial del comercio (OMC).
-Los bloques comerciales.
-Los organismos internacionales de crédito.


-Reconoce las características de la industria.
-Identifica que es una zona franca.
-Analiza que son los organismos internacionales de crédito y como se relacionan con la actividad comercial.
-Proyecta ideas personales a través de propuestas innovadoras para la inversión.

Este año los temas no se verán por medio de unidades, sino por periodos y con preguntas problematizadoras, las cuales al final del periodo debemos ser capaces de responder. También esta materia, como la de tecnología serán dictadas en inglés.

Periodo 1 : "¿Cómo aplico las herramientas avanzadas de Excel en la sistematización de dependencias?"


-Reconoce los problemas que se presentan en ambientes tecnológicos teniendo en cuenta alunas restricciones y condiciones.

- Reconoce algunos datos de Excel que involucren tablas, funciones de bases de datos, validación de datos y macros.

-Identifica la importancia de la programación de computadores.


-Diseña propuestas informáticas que apuntan a fortalecer procesos de comunicación y de información.
-Reconoce las diferentes barras de trabajo del programa.
-Diseña programas simples utilizando las diferentes herramientas.
-Elabora bases de datos en Excel y aplica conceptos como: funciones, validación de datos, filtros, gráficos, macros entre otros.